Uses of Class

Packages that use Database


org.melati.admin A Melati Database Administration System. 
org.melati.example.contacts A very simple Contacts Management System. 
org.melati.example.contacts.generated The POEM-generated support classes for org.melati.example.contacts. 
org.melati.example.odmg A proof of concept example of ODMG compliance. 
org.melati.example.odmg.generated The POEM-generated support classes for org.melati.example.odmg. 
org.melati.poem Persistent Object Engine for Melati. 
org.melati.poem.csv Importing CSV files into a Melati Database. 
org.melati.poem.generated The POEM-generated support classes for org.melati.poem. 
org.melati.poem.odmg POEM implementation of the ODMG API. 

Uses of Database in org.melati

Methods in org.melati that return Database
 Database Melati.getDatabase()
          Get the POEM Database for this Request.
static Database LogicalDatabase.getDatabase(String name)
          Retrieve a database by name.

Methods in org.melati that return types with arguments of type Database
static Vector<Database> LogicalDatabase.initialisedDatabases()
          Retrieve the databases which have completed initialisation.

Uses of Database in org.melati.admin

Methods in org.melati.admin that return Database
static Database Copy.copy()
static Database Copy.copy(Database fromDbIn, Database toDbIn)
static Database Copy.copy(String from, String to)

Methods in org.melati.admin with parameters of type Database
static Database Copy.copy(Database fromDbIn, Database toDbIn)

Uses of Database in org.melati.example.contacts

Subclasses of Database in org.melati.example.contacts
 class ContactsDatabase
          Melati POEM generated, programmer modifyable stub.

Constructors in org.melati.example.contacts with parameters of type Database
CategoryTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
ContactCategoryTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
ContactsTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
ContactTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)

Uses of Database in org.melati.example.contacts.generated

Subclasses of Database in org.melati.example.contacts.generated
 class ContactsDatabaseBase
          Melati POEM generated Database base class.

Constructors in org.melati.example.contacts.generated with parameters of type Database
CategoryTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
ContactCategoryTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
ContactTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)

Uses of Database in org.melati.example.odmg

Subclasses of Database in org.melati.example.odmg
 class OdmgDatabase
          Melati POEM generated, programmer modifyable stub.

Constructors in org.melati.example.odmg with parameters of type Database
ChildTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
OdmgTable(Database database, String name)
OdmgTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
ParentTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)

Uses of Database in org.melati.example.odmg.generated

Subclasses of Database in org.melati.example.odmg.generated
 class OdmgDatabaseBase
          Melati POEM generated Database base class.

Constructors in org.melati.example.odmg.generated with parameters of type Database
ChildTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
ParentTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)

Uses of Database in org.melati.poem

Subclasses of Database in org.melati.poem
 class PoemDatabase
          Though generated by POEM this is the class all generated databases extend.

Fields in org.melati.poem declared as Database
 Database TableInUsePoemException.database
          The Database we are dealing with.
 Database NoSuchTablePoemException.database
          The Database we are dealing with.
 Database DuplicateTableNamePoemException.database
          The Database we are dealing with.
protected  Database TailoredQuery.database

Methods in org.melati.poem that return Database
static Database PoemThread.database()
          Retrieve the Database associated with this thread.
 Database Column.getDatabase()
 Database JdbcPersistent.getDatabase()
 Database Persistent.getDatabase()
 Database JdbcTable.getDatabase()
          The database to which the table is attached.
 Database PoemTransaction.getDatabase()
 Database Table.getDatabase()
          The database to which the table is attached.
static Database PoemDatabaseFactory.getDatabase(String name)
          Retrieve a database by name.
static Database PoemDatabaseFactory.getDatabase(String name, String url, String user, String password, String clazz, String dbmsClass, boolean addConstraints, boolean logSQL, boolean logCommits, int maxTransactions)
          Return a database from the cache or create it.

Methods in org.melati.poem that return types with arguments of type Database
static Vector<Database> PoemDatabaseFactory.initialisedDatabases()
          Retrieve the databases which have completed initialisation.

Methods in org.melati.poem with parameters of type Database
static PoemTypeFactory PoemTypeFactory.forCode(Database database, int code)
          Returns an instance given a database and the integer code for the instance.
static Table TableFactory.fromClass(Database db, Class clazz)
static Persistent PersistentFactory.fromInstance(Database db, Object pojo)
static Table TableFactory.fromInstance(Database db, Object pojo)

Constructors in org.melati.poem with parameters of type Database
CapabilityTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
ColumnInfoTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
ColumnTypePoemType(Database database)
          Constructor for a non nullable column type.
DuplicateTableNamePoemException(Database database, String name)
GroupCapabilityTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
GroupMembershipTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
GroupTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
JdbcTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
NoSuchTablePoemException(Database database, String name)
PoemTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
PoemTransaction(Database database, Connection connection, int index)
PreparedStatementFactory(Database database, String sql)
ReconnectionPoemException(Database db)
SettingTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
TableCategoryTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
TableInfoTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
TableInUsePoemException(Database database, Table table)
UserTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
ValueInfoTable(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)

Uses of Database in org.melati.poem.csv

Constructors in org.melati.poem.csv with parameters of type Database
CSVFilesProcessor(Database db)

Uses of Database in org.melati.poem.generated

Subclasses of Database in org.melati.poem.generated
 class PoemDatabaseBase
          Melati POEM generated Database base class.

Constructors in org.melati.poem.generated with parameters of type Database
CapabilityTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
ColumnInfoTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
GroupCapabilityTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
GroupMembershipTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
GroupTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
SettingTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
TableCategoryTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
TableInfoTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
UserTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)
ValueInfoTableBase(Database database, String name, DefinitionSource definitionSource)

Uses of Database in org.melati.poem.odmg

Methods in org.melati.poem.odmg that return Database
static Database ODMGFactory.getPoemDatabase()
          Get a new database.

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