Uses of Class

Packages that use HttpHeader.HttpHeaderException
org.melati.util An assortment of useful objects. 

Uses of HttpHeader.HttpHeaderException in org.melati.util

Methods in org.melati.util that throw HttpHeader.HttpHeaderException
 AcceptCharset.CharsetAndQValue AcceptCharset.CharsetAndQValueIterator.nextCharsetAndQValue()
 int HttpHeader.Tokenizer.nextLToken()
          Same as nextToken() but does not throw an IOException and handles erroneous line breaks.
abstract  Object HttpHeader.FieldIterator.nextToken()
 Object HttpHeader.WordIterator.nextToken()
 Object HttpHeader.TokenAndQValueIterator.nextToken()
 HttpHeader.TokenAndQValue HttpHeader.nextTokenAndQValue()
          Factory method to create and return the next HttpHeader.TokenAndQValue.
 HttpHeader.TokenAndQValue HttpHeader.TokenAndQValueIterator.nextTokenAndQValue()
 String HttpHeader.WordIterator.nextWord()
 void HttpHeader.Tokenizer.readChar(char c)
          Read the given character that comes next.
 double HttpHeader.Tokenizer.readNVal()
          Read the number token that comes next.
 float HttpHeader.Tokenizer.readQValue()
          Read a token sequence of the form "; q = 0.42" and return the number.
 String HttpHeader.Tokenizer.readSVal()
          Read the word token or quoted string that comes next.
protected  HttpHeader.TokenAndQValue HttpHeader.Tokenizer.readTokenAndQValue(HttpHeader.TokenAndQValue result)
          Read a word or quoted string token optionally followed by a string of the form "; q = 0.42" and initialises the given object.
 String HttpHeader.Tokenizer.readWord()
          Read the word token that comes next.
 void HttpHeader.Tokenizer.readWord(String word)
          Read the given word token that comes next.
 int HttpHeader.Tokenizer.skipAnyCommaSeparator()
          Read up to and including the next token after any comma separator(s) and whitespace.
 int HttpHeader.Tokenizer.skipCommaSeparator()
          Read up to and including the next token after comma separator(s) and whitespace assuming the current token is a comma.

Constructors in org.melati.util that throw HttpHeader.HttpHeaderException
HttpHeader.TokenAndQValue(HttpHeader.Tokenizer t)
          Create an instance and initialise it by reading the given tokenizer.

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