Uses of Class

Packages that use NotFoundException
org.melati.template Using Templates to render Objects to output formats. 
org.melati.template.velocity Enables Velocity to be used as the Melati template engine. 
org.melati.template.webmacro Enables WebMacro to be used as the Melati template engine. 

Uses of NotFoundException in org.melati.template

Methods in org.melati.template that throw NotFoundException
 void TemplateEngine.expandTemplate(MelatiWriter out, String templateName, TemplateContext templateContext)
          Expand the Template against the context.
 String AbstractMarkupLanguage.input(Field field)
          Get an input widget for this Field.
 String MarkupLanguage.input(Field field)
          Get an input widget for this Field.
protected  String AbstractMarkupLanguage.input(Field field, String templetName, String nullValue, boolean overrideNullable)
 String AbstractMarkupLanguage.inputAs(Field field, String templetName)
          Get an input widget for this Field defined by name.
 String MarkupLanguage.inputAs(Field field, String templetName)
          Get an input widget for this Field defined by name.
 String AbstractMarkupLanguage.searchInput(Field field, String nullValue)
          Get an input widget for this Field specifying the null value.
 String MarkupLanguage.searchInput(Field field, String nullValue)
          Get an input widget for this Field specifying the null value.
 Template TemplateEngine.template(String templateName)
          Get a template given it's full name.
 Template ClassNameTempletLoader.templet(TemplateEngine templateEngine, MarkupLanguage markupLanguage, String name)
          Get a templet by its name, looking only in the templets directory.
 Template TempletLoader.templet(TemplateEngine templateEngine, MarkupLanguage markupLanguage, String templetName)
          Return a templet by name.
 Template ClassNameTempletLoader.templet(TemplateEngine templateEngine, MarkupLanguage markupLanguage, String purpose, String name)
          Get a templet by name, with optional purpose.
 Template TempletLoader.templet(TemplateEngine templateEngine, MarkupLanguage markupLanguage, String purpose, String templetName)
          Return a templet by name and purpose.

Uses of NotFoundException in org.melati.template.velocity

Methods in org.melati.template.velocity that throw NotFoundException
 void VelocityTemplateEngine.expandTemplate(MelatiWriter out, String templateName, TemplateContext templateContext)
          Get a Template by name and expand it against a context.
 Template VelocityTemplateEngine.template(String templateName)
          Get a template by name.

Uses of NotFoundException in org.melati.template.webmacro

Methods in org.melati.template.webmacro that throw NotFoundException
 void WebmacroTemplateEngine.expandTemplate(MelatiWriter out, String templateName, TemplateContext templateContext)
          Expand the Template against the context.
 Template WebmacroTemplateEngine.template(String templateName)
          Get a template given it's name.

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