Uses of Class

Packages that use TypeMismatchPoemException
org.melati.poem Persistent Object Engine for Melati. 

Uses of TypeMismatchPoemException in org.melati.poem

Subclasses of TypeMismatchPoemException in org.melati.poem
 class NotComparablePoemException
          Thrown when an attempt is made to set a Range for a non comparable PoemType.
 class NullTypeMismatchPoemException
          Thrown when a null value is discovered in a non-nullable Field.

Methods in org.melati.poem that throw TypeMismatchPoemException
 void PoemType.assertValidCooked(Object cooked)
          Check if an Object is valid, throw appropriate Exception if not.
 void PoemType.assertValidRaw(Object raw)
          Check if value is of the right type and an allowed value, throw appropriate Exception if not.
 Object PoemType.cookedOfRaw(Object raw)
          Create an Object from a raw Object, a no-op for all but ReferencePoemTypes.
 Object SQLType.getRaw(ResultSet rs, int col)
          Return an object as delivered by the database.
 T PoemType.rawOfCooked(Object cooked)
          Return the Object value, a no-op for all but ReferencePoemTypes, for which it returns the troid as an Integer.
 void SQLType.setRaw(PreparedStatement ps, int col, Object cooked)
          Set a column of a PreparedStatement to the passed in value.
 String PoemType.stringOfCooked(Object cooked, PoemLocale locale, int style)
          A localised String representation of the oject.
 String PoemType.stringOfRaw(Object object)
          The String representation of the Field.

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