Uses of Class

Packages that use AccessPoemException
org.melati.admin A Melati Database Administration System. 
org.melati.example.contacts A very simple Contacts Management System. 
org.melati.example.contacts.generated The POEM-generated support classes for org.melati.example.contacts. 
org.melati.example.odmg.generated The POEM-generated support classes for org.melati.example.odmg. 
org.melati.login Access control for a Melati database. 
org.melati.poem Persistent Object Engine for Melati. 
org.melati.poem.generated The POEM-generated support classes for org.melati.poem. 
org.melati.template Using Templates to render Objects to output formats. 
org.melati.test This directory contains a series of interactive tests to help in setting up and debugging a Melati installation. 

Uses of AccessPoemException in org.melati.admin

Methods in org.melati.admin that throw AccessPoemException
 String AdminUtils.AddURL(Table table)
 String AdminUtils.EditHeaderURL(Melati melati)
 String AdminUtils.EditURL(Melati melati)
 String AdminUtils.EditURL(Persistent object)
 String AdminUtils.RecordURL(Melati melati)
 String AdminUtils.RecordURL(Persistent object)
 String AdminUtils.RecordURL(Persistent object, String returnTarget, String returnURL)
 String AdminUtils.TreeURL(Persistent object)
 String AdminUtils.TreeURL(Table table)

Uses of AccessPoemException in org.melati.example.contacts

Methods in org.melati.example.contacts that throw AccessPoemException
 void Contact.setOwner(Contact cooked)

Uses of AccessPoemException in org.melati.example.contacts.generated

Methods in org.melati.example.contacts.generated that throw AccessPoemException
 String ContactBase.getAddress()
          Retrieves the Address value, with locking, for this Contact Persistent.
 Field ContactBase.getAddressField()
          Retrieves the Address value as a Field from this Contact Persistent.
 Category ContactCategoryBase.getCategory()
          Retrieves the Category object referred to.
 Field ContactCategoryBase.getCategoryField()
          Retrieves the Category value as a Field from this ContactCategory Persistent.
 Integer ContactCategoryBase.getCategoryTroid()
          Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
 Contact ContactCategoryBase.getContact()
          Retrieves the Contact object referred to.
 Field ContactCategoryBase.getContactField()
          Retrieves the Contact value as a Field from this ContactCategory Persistent.
 Integer ContactCategoryBase.getContactTroid()
          Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
 Integer ContactCategoryBase.getId()
          Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this ContactCategory Persistent.
 Integer ContactBase.getId()
          Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this Contact Persistent.
 Integer CategoryBase.getId()
          Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this Category Persistent.
 Field ContactCategoryBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this ContactCategory Persistent.
 Field ContactBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this Contact Persistent.
 Field CategoryBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this Category Persistent.
 Date ContactBase.getLastupdated()
          Retrieves the Lastupdated value, with locking, for this Contact Persistent.
 Field ContactBase.getLastupdatedField()
          Retrieves the Lastupdated value as a Field from this Contact Persistent.
 User ContactBase.getLastupdateuser()
          Retrieves the Lastupdateuser object referred to.
 Field ContactBase.getLastupdateuserField()
          Retrieves the Lastupdateuser value as a Field from this Contact Persistent.
 Integer ContactBase.getLastupdateuserTroid()
          Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
 String ContactBase.getName()
          Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this Contact Persistent.
 String CategoryBase.getName()
          Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this Category Persistent.
 Field ContactBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this Contact Persistent.
 Field CategoryBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this Category Persistent.
 Contact ContactBase.getOwner()
          Retrieves the Owner object referred to.
 Field ContactBase.getOwnerField()
          Retrieves the Owner value as a Field from this Contact Persistent.
 Integer ContactBase.getOwnerTroid()
          Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
 Integer ContactBase.getUpdates()
          Retrieves the Updates value, with locking, for this Contact Persistent.
 Field ContactBase.getUpdatesField()
          Retrieves the Updates value as a Field from this Contact Persistent.
 void ContactBase.setAddress(String cooked)
          Sets the Address value, with checking, for this Contact Persistent.
 void ContactCategoryBase.setCategory(Category cooked)
          Set the Category.
 void ContactCategoryBase.setCategoryTroid(Integer raw)
          Sets the Table Row Object ID.
 void ContactCategoryBase.setContact(Contact cooked)
          Set the Contact.
 void ContactCategoryBase.setContactTroid(Integer raw)
          Sets the Table Row Object ID.
 void ContactCategoryBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this ContactCategory Persistent.
 void ContactBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Contact Persistent.
 void CategoryBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Category Persistent.
 void ContactCategoryBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this ContactCategory Persistent.
 void ContactBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Contact Persistent.
 void CategoryBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Category Persistent.
 void ContactBase.setLastupdated(Date cooked)
          Sets the Lastupdated value, with checking, for this Contact Persistent.
 void ContactBase.setLastupdateuser(User cooked)
          Set the Lastupdateuser.
 void ContactBase.setLastupdateuserTroid(Integer raw)
          Sets the Table Row Object ID.
 void ContactBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this Contact Persistent.
 void CategoryBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this Category Persistent.
 void ContactBase.setOwner(Contact cooked)
          Set the Owner.
 void ContactBase.setOwnerTroid(Integer raw)
          Sets the Table Row Object ID.
 void ContactBase.setUpdates(int cooked)
          Sets the Updates value, with checking, for this Contact Persistent.
 void ContactBase.setUpdates(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Updates value, with checking, for this Contact Persistent.

Uses of AccessPoemException in org.melati.example.odmg.generated

Methods in org.melati.example.odmg.generated that throw AccessPoemException
 Integer ChildBase.getId()
          Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this Child Persistent.
 Integer ParentBase.getId()
          Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this Parent Persistent.
 Field ChildBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this Child Persistent.
 Field ParentBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this Parent Persistent.
 String ChildBase.getName()
          Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this Child Persistent.
 String ParentBase.getName()
          Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this Parent Persistent.
 Field ChildBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this Child Persistent.
 Field ParentBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this Parent Persistent.
 Parent ChildBase.getParent()
          Retrieves the Parent object referred to.
 Field ChildBase.getParentField()
          Retrieves the Parent value as a Field from this Child Persistent.
 Integer ChildBase.getParentTroid()
          Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
 void ChildBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Child Persistent.
 void ParentBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Parent Persistent.
 void ChildBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Child Persistent.
 void ParentBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Parent Persistent.
 void ChildBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this Child Persistent.
 void ParentBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this Parent Persistent.
 void ChildBase.setParent(Parent cooked)
          Set the Parent.
 void ChildBase.setParentTroid(Integer raw)
          Sets the Table Row Object ID.

Uses of AccessPoemException in org.melati.login

Methods in org.melati.login with parameters of type AccessPoemException
 void HttpBasicAuthenticationAccessHandler.handleAccessException(Melati melati, AccessPoemException accessException)
          Called when an AccessPoemException is trapped.
 void OpenAccessHandler.handleAccessException(Melati melati, AccessPoemException accessException)
          Ignore AccessPoemExceptions.
 void HttpSessionAccessHandler.handleAccessException(Melati melati, AccessPoemException accessException)
          Store the current request and redirect to the login page.
 void CommandLineAccessHandler.handleAccessException(Melati melati, AccessPoemException accessException)
          Actually handle the AccessPoemException.
 void AccessHandler.handleAccessException(Melati melati, AccessPoemException accessException)
          Deal with an AccessPoemException, often by allowing login.

Uses of AccessPoemException in org.melati.poem

Subclasses of AccessPoemException in org.melati.poem
 class AccessibleCreationException
          Thrown when an unauthorised attempt to create an object is made.
 class ColumnRenamePoemException
          Column renaming is not supported by Postgresql.
 class CreationAccessPoemException
          Thrown when unauthorised creation of a new object is attempted.
 class DeletePersistentAccessPoemException
          Thrown when an unauthorised delete of a Persistent is attempted.
 class FieldAccessPoemException
          Thrown when an unauthorised access of a Field of a Persistent is attempted.
 class PersistentAccessPoemException
          Thrown when an unauthorised access of a Persistent is attempted.
 class ReadFieldAccessPoemException
          Thrown when an unauthorised read of a Field of a Persistent is attempted.
 class ReadPasswordAccessPoemException
          Thrown when an unauthorised read of a password Field of a protected Persistent is attempted.
 class ReadPersistentAccessPoemException
          Thrown when an unauthorised read of a Persistent is attempted.
 class TableRenamePoemException
          Thrown when an attempt is made to set the name of a Table in its the TableInfo when it has already been set.
 class WriteFieldAccessPoemException
          Thrown when an unauthorised write of a Field of a Persistent is attempted.
 class WritePersistentAccessPoemException
          Thrown when an unauthorised delete of a Persistent is attempted.

Methods in org.melati.poem that throw AccessPoemException
protected  void PasswordPoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
protected  void TimestampPoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
protected  void BigDecimalPoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
protected  void ReferencePoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
protected  void DisplayLevelPoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
protected  void BooleanPoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
protected  void IntegrityFixPoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
protected  void IntegerPoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
protected  void DatePoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
protected  void ColumnTypePoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
protected  void BinaryPoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
protected  void DoublePoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
protected  void StringPoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
protected abstract  void BasePoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo info)
protected  void LongPoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
protected  void SearchabilityPoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
protected  void TroidPoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
protected  void DeletedPoemType._saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
 void JdbcPersistent.assertCanCreate()
 void Persistent.assertCanCreate()
 void JdbcPersistent.assertCanDelete()
 void Persistent.assertCanDelete()
 void JdbcPersistent.assertCanDelete(AccessToken token)
          Check that you have delete access to the object.
 void Persistent.assertCanDelete(AccessToken token)
          Check that you have delete access to the object.
 void JdbcPersistent.assertCanRead()
 void Persistent.assertCanRead()
 void JdbcPersistent.assertCanRead(AccessToken token)
          Check that you have read access to the object.
 void Persistent.assertCanRead(AccessToken token)
          Check that you have read access to the object.
 void JdbcPersistent.assertCanWrite()
 void Persistent.assertCanWrite()
 void JdbcPersistent.assertCanWrite(AccessToken token)
          Check that you have write access to the object.
 void Persistent.assertCanWrite(AccessToken token)
          Check that you have write access to the object.
static void PoemThread.assertHasCapability(Capability capability)
          Check that we have the given Capability, throw an AccessPoemException if we don't.
 Persistent JdbcTable.create(Initialiser initialiser)
          Create a new object (record) in the table.
 Persistent Table.create(Initialiser initialiser)
          Create a new object (record) in the table.
 void JdbcTable.create(Persistent p)
          Write a new row containing the given object.
 void Table.create(Persistent p)
          Write a new row containing the given object.
 void JdbcPersistent.deleteAndCommit()
          Convenience method with default integrity fix.
 void Persistent.deleteAndCommit()
          Convenience method with default integrity fix.
 void JdbcPersistent.deleteAndCommit(Map<Column,IntegrityFix> integrityFixOfColumn)
          Delete the object, with even more safety checks for referential integrity.
 void Persistent.deleteAndCommit(Map<Column,IntegrityFix> integrityFixOfColumn)
          Delete the object, with even more safety checks for referential integrity.
protected  void JdbcPersistent.deleteLock(SessionToken sessionToken)
 String JdbcPersistent.displayString()
 String Persistent.displayString()
 String JdbcPersistent.displayString(PoemLocale locale)
          Defaults to DateFormat.MEDIUM.
 String Persistent.displayString(PoemLocale locale)
          Defaults to DateFormat.MEDIUM.
 String JdbcPersistent.displayString(PoemLocale locale, int style)
          A string describing the object for the purposes of rendering it in lists presented to the user.
 String Persistent.displayString(PoemLocale locale, int style)
          A string describing the object for the purposes of rendering it in lists presented to the user.
 Persistent JdbcPersistent.duplicated()
          Create a new object like this one.
 Persistent Persistent.duplicated()
          Create a new object like this one.
 Persistent JdbcPersistent.duplicatedFloating()
          Create a new persistent like this one, regardless of whether this Persistent has been written to the dbms yet.
 Persistent Persistent.duplicatedFloating()
          Create a new persistent like this one, regardless of whether this Persistent has been written to the dbms yet.
 Object Field.getCooked()
abstract  Object Column.getCooked(Persistent g)
          Retrieves the field value, with locking and access control for this Column.
 Object ExtraColumn.getCooked(Persistent g)
          Retrieves the field value, with locking and access control for this Column.
 Object JdbcPersistent.getCooked(String name)
          The `true value' of one of the object's fields.
 Object Persistent.getCooked(String name)
          The `true value' of one of the object's fields.
 String Field.getCookedString()
 String Field.getCookedString(PoemLocale locale, int style)
 String JdbcPersistent.getCookedString(String name, PoemLocale locale, int style)
          A string representation of the `true value' of one of the object's fields.
 String Persistent.getCookedString(String name, PoemLocale locale, int style)
          A string representation of the `true value' of one of the object's fields.
 Field JdbcPersistent.getField(String name)
          The value of one of the object's fields, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering it.
 Field Persistent.getField(String name)
          The value of one of the object's fields, wrapped up with type information sufficient for rendering it.
 String User.getPassword()
          Will throw a ReadPasswordAccessPoemException unless the access token associated with the running thread is the User object itself or provides the readPasswords capability.
 Object Field.getRaw()
          Get the value of the Field.
abstract  Object Column.getRaw(Persistent g)
          Retrieves the field value, with locking, for this Column.
 Object ExtraColumn.getRaw(Persistent g)
          Retrieves the field value, with locking, for this Column.
 Object JdbcPersistent.getRaw(String name)
          The `identifying value' of one of the object's fields.
 Object Persistent.getRaw(String name)
          The `identifying value' of one of the object's fields.
 Object Field.getRawString()
          Get the value as a String.
 String JdbcPersistent.getRawString(String name)
          A string representation of the `identifying value' of one of the object's fields.
 String Persistent.getRawString(String name)
          A string representation of the `identifying value' of one of the object's fields.
 Integer JdbcPersistent.getTroid()
          The object's troid.
 Integer Persistable.getTroid()
          The object's troid, returned after access check.
 void Initialiser.init(Persistent object)
          Initialise a freshly generated POEM object.
protected  void JdbcPersistent.readLock()
          Check if we may read this object and then lock it.
protected  void JdbcPersistent.readLock(SessionToken sessionToken)
 boolean Field.sameRawAs(Field other)
          Compare raws.
 void BasePoemType.saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo info)
          Set the type of the ColumnInfo.
 void PoemType.saveColumnInfo(ColumnInfo columnInfo)
          Set the type of the ColumnInfo.
 void TableInfo.setCachelimit(Integer limit)
          Set here and in table we represent.
abstract  void Column.setCooked(Persistent g, Object cooked)
          Sets the field value, with locking, access control and validation for this Column.
 void ExtraColumn.setCooked(Persistent g, Object cooked)
          Sets the field value, with locking, access control and validation for this Column.
 void JdbcPersistent.setCooked(String name, Object cooked)
          Set the `true value' of one of the record's fields.
 void Persistent.setCooked(String name, Object cooked)
          Set the `true value' of one of the record's fields.
 void User.setPassword(String cooked)
          Sets the Password value, with checking, for this User Persistent.
abstract  void Column.setRaw(Persistent g, Object raw)
          Sets the field value, with locking, for this Column.
 void ExtraColumn.setRaw(Persistent g, Object raw)
          Sets the field value, with locking, for this Column.
 void JdbcPersistent.setRaw(String name, Object raw)
          Set the `identifying value' of one of the record's fields.
 void Persistent.setRaw(String name, Object raw)
          Set the `identifying value' of one of the record's fields.
 void JdbcPersistent.setRawString(String name, String string)
          Set the `identifying value' of one of the record's fields from a string representation.
 void Persistent.setRawString(String name, String string)
          Set the `identifying value' of one of the record's fields from a string representation.
 void TableInfo.setSeqcached(Boolean b)
          Set here and in table we represent.
 void ColumnInfo.setTableinfoTroid(Integer raw)
          Set the TableInfo reference.
protected  void JdbcPersistent.writeLock()
          Check if we may write to this object and then lock it.
protected  void JdbcPersistent.writeLock(SessionToken sessionToken)

Constructors in org.melati.poem with parameters of type AccessPoemException
AccessibleCreationException(AccessPoemException e)
AccessPoemException(AccessPoemException e)
Field(AccessPoemException accessException, FieldAttributes attrs)
          Constructor for a Field with an access violation.

Uses of AccessPoemException in org.melati.poem.generated

Methods in org.melati.poem.generated that throw AccessPoemException
 Integer TableInfoBase.getCachelimit()
          Retrieves the Cachelimit value, with locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getCachelimitField()
          Retrieves the Cachelimit value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Capability TableInfoBase.getCancreate()
          Retrieves the Cancreate object referred to.
 Field TableInfoBase.getCancreateField()
          Retrieves the Cancreate value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Integer TableInfoBase.getCancreateTroid()
          Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
 Capability GroupCapabilityBase.getCapability()
          Retrieves the Capability object referred to.
 Field GroupCapabilityBase.getCapabilityField()
          Retrieves the Capability value as a Field from this GroupCapability Persistent.
 Integer GroupCapabilityBase.getCapabilityTroid()
          Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
 TableCategory TableInfoBase.getCategory()
          Retrieves the Category object referred to.
 Field TableInfoBase.getCategoryField()
          Retrieves the Category value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Integer TableInfoBase.getCategoryTroid()
          Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
 Capability TableInfoBase.getDefaultcandelete()
          Retrieves the Defaultcandelete object referred to.
 Field TableInfoBase.getDefaultcandeleteField()
          Retrieves the Defaultcandelete value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Integer TableInfoBase.getDefaultcandeleteTroid()
          Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
 Capability TableInfoBase.getDefaultcanread()
          Retrieves the Defaultcanread object referred to.
 Field TableInfoBase.getDefaultcanreadField()
          Retrieves the Defaultcanread value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Integer TableInfoBase.getDefaultcanreadTroid()
          Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
 Capability TableInfoBase.getDefaultcanwrite()
          Retrieves the Defaultcanwrite object referred to.
 Field TableInfoBase.getDefaultcanwriteField()
          Retrieves the Defaultcanwrite value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Integer TableInfoBase.getDefaultcanwriteTroid()
          Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
 String ValueInfoBase.getDescription()
          Retrieves the Description value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 String TableInfoBase.getDescription()
          Retrieves the Description value, with locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getDescriptionField()
          Retrieves the Description value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getDescriptionField()
          Retrieves the Description value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 DisplayLevel ColumnInfoBase.getDisplaylevel()
          Retrieves the Displaylevel value of this Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getDisplaylevelField()
          Retrieves the Displaylevel value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Integer ColumnInfoBase.getDisplaylevelIndex()
          Retrieves the Displaylevel index value of this Persistent.
 String ValueInfoBase.getDisplayname()
          Retrieves the Displayname value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 String TableInfoBase.getDisplayname()
          Retrieves the Displayname value, with locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getDisplaynameField()
          Retrieves the Displayname value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getDisplaynameField()
          Retrieves the Displayname value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Integer TableInfoBase.getDisplayorder()
          Retrieves the Displayorder value, with locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 Integer ColumnInfoBase.getDisplayorder()
          Retrieves the Displayorder value, with locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getDisplayorderField()
          Retrieves the Displayorder value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getDisplayorderField()
          Retrieves the Displayorder value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Integer ColumnInfoBase.getDisplayorderpriority()
          Retrieves the Displayorderpriority value, with locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getDisplayorderpriorityField()
          Retrieves the Displayorderpriority value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Group GroupMembershipBase.getGroup()
          Retrieves the Group object referred to.
 Group GroupCapabilityBase.getGroup()
          Retrieves the Group object referred to.
 Field GroupMembershipBase.getGroupField()
          Retrieves the Group value as a Field from this GroupMembership Persistent.
 Field GroupCapabilityBase.getGroupField()
          Retrieves the Group value as a Field from this GroupCapability Persistent.
 Integer GroupMembershipBase.getGroupTroid()
          Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
 Integer GroupCapabilityBase.getGroupTroid()
          Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
 Integer ValueInfoBase.getHeight()
          Retrieves the Height value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getHeightField()
          Retrieves the Height value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Integer CapabilityBase.getId()
          Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this Capability Persistent.
 Integer UserBase.getId()
          Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this User Persistent.
 Integer TableInfoBase.getId()
          Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 Integer GroupBase.getId()
          Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this Group Persistent.
 Integer SettingBase.getId()
          Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this Setting Persistent.
 Integer ColumnInfoBase.getId()
          Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Integer GroupMembershipBase.getId()
          Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this GroupMembership Persistent.
 Integer TableCategoryBase.getId()
          Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this TableCategory Persistent.
 Integer GroupCapabilityBase.getId()
          Retrieves the Id value, with locking, for this GroupCapability Persistent.
 Field CapabilityBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this Capability Persistent.
 Field UserBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this User Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field GroupBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this Group Persistent.
 Field SettingBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this Setting Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field GroupMembershipBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this GroupMembership Persistent.
 Field TableCategoryBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this TableCategory Persistent.
 Field GroupCapabilityBase.getIdField()
          Retrieves the Id value as a Field from this GroupCapability Persistent.
 Boolean ColumnInfoBase.getIndexed()
          Retrieves the Indexed value, with locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getIndexedField()
          Retrieves the Indexed value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 StandardIntegrityFix ColumnInfoBase.getIntegrityfix()
          Retrieves the Integrityfix value of this Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getIntegrityfixField()
          Retrieves the Integrityfix value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Integer ColumnInfoBase.getIntegrityfixIndex()
          Retrieves the Integrityfix index value of this Persistent.
 String UserBase.getLogin()
          Retrieves the Login value, with locking, for this User Persistent.
 Field UserBase.getLoginField()
          Retrieves the Login value as a Field from this User Persistent.
 String CapabilityBase.getName()
          Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this Capability Persistent.
 String UserBase.getName()
          Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this User Persistent.
 String TableInfoBase.getName()
          Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 String GroupBase.getName()
          Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this Group Persistent.
 String SettingBase.getName()
          Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this Setting Persistent.
 String ColumnInfoBase.getName()
          Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 String TableCategoryBase.getName()
          Retrieves the Name value, with locking, for this TableCategory Persistent.
 Field CapabilityBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this Capability Persistent.
 Field UserBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this User Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field GroupBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this Group Persistent.
 Field SettingBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this Setting Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field TableCategoryBase.getNameField()
          Retrieves the Name value as a Field from this TableCategory Persistent.
 Boolean ValueInfoBase.getNullable()
          Retrieves the Nullable value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getNullableField()
          Retrieves the Nullable value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 String UserBase.getPassword()
          Retrieves the Password value, with locking, for this User Persistent.
 Field UserBase.getPasswordField()
          Retrieves the Password value as a Field from this User Persistent.
 Integer ValueInfoBase.getPrecision()
          Retrieves the Precision value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getPrecisionField()
          Retrieves the Precision value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 String ValueInfoBase.getRangelimit_string()
          Retrieves the Rangelimit_string value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getRangelimit_stringField()
          Retrieves the Rangelimit_string value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 String ValueInfoBase.getRangelow_string()
          Retrieves the Rangelow_string value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getRangelow_stringField()
          Retrieves the Rangelow_string value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 String ValueInfoBase.getRenderinfo()
          Retrieves the Renderinfo value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getRenderinfoField()
          Retrieves the Renderinfo value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Integer ValueInfoBase.getScale()
          Retrieves the Scale value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getScaleField()
          Retrieves the Scale value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Searchability ColumnInfoBase.getSearchability()
          Retrieves the Searchability value of this Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getSearchabilityField()
          Retrieves the Searchability value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Integer ColumnInfoBase.getSearchabilityIndex()
          Retrieves the Searchability index value of this Persistent.
 Boolean TableInfoBase.getSeqcached()
          Retrieves the Seqcached value, with locking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 Field TableInfoBase.getSeqcachedField()
          Retrieves the Seqcached value as a Field from this TableInfo Persistent.
 Integer ValueInfoBase.getSize()
          Retrieves the Size value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getSizeField()
          Retrieves the Size value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Boolean ColumnInfoBase.getSortdescending()
          Retrieves the Sortdescending value, with locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getSortdescendingField()
          Retrieves the Sortdescending value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 TableInfo ColumnInfoBase.getTableinfo()
          Retrieves the Tableinfo object referred to.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getTableinfoField()
          Retrieves the Tableinfo value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Integer ColumnInfoBase.getTableinfoTroid()
          Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
 PoemTypeFactory ValueInfoBase.getTypefactory()
          Retrieves the Typefactory value as an PoemTypeFactory for this Column of the ValueInfo Table.
 Integer ValueInfoBase.getTypefactoryCode()
          Retrieves the Typefactory value as an Integer for this Column of the ValueInfo Table.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getTypefactoryField()
          Retrieves the Typefactory value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Boolean ColumnInfoBase.getUnique()
          Retrieves the Unique value, with locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getUniqueField()
          Retrieves the Unique value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 User GroupMembershipBase.getUser()
          Retrieves the User object referred to.
 Boolean ColumnInfoBase.getUsercreateable()
          Retrieves the Usercreateable value, with locking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Field ColumnInfoBase.getUsercreateableField()
          Retrieves the Usercreateable value as a Field from this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 Boolean ValueInfoBase.getUsereditable()
          Retrieves the Usereditable value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getUsereditableField()
          Retrieves the Usereditable value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field GroupMembershipBase.getUserField()
          Retrieves the User value as a Field from this GroupMembership Persistent.
 Integer GroupMembershipBase.getUserTroid()
          Retrieves the Table Row Object ID.
 String SettingBase.getValue()
          Retrieves the Value value, with locking, for this Setting Persistent.
 Field SettingBase.getValueField()
          Retrieves the Value value as a Field from this Setting Persistent.
 Integer ValueInfoBase.getWidth()
          Retrieves the Width value, with locking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 Field ValueInfoBase.getWidthField()
          Retrieves the Width value as a Field from this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setCachelimit(int cooked)
          Sets the Cachelimit value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setCachelimit(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Cachelimit value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setCancreate(Capability cooked)
          Set the Cancreate.
 void TableInfoBase.setCancreateTroid(Integer raw)
          Sets the Table Row Object ID.
 void GroupCapabilityBase.setCapability(Capability cooked)
          Set the Capability.
 void GroupCapabilityBase.setCapabilityTroid(Integer raw)
          Sets the Table Row Object ID.
 void TableInfoBase.setCategory(TableCategory cooked)
          Set the Category.
 void TableInfoBase.setCategoryTroid(Integer raw)
          Sets the Table Row Object ID.
 void TableInfoBase.setDefaultcandelete(Capability cooked)
          Set the Defaultcandelete.
 void TableInfoBase.setDefaultcandeleteTroid(Integer raw)
          Sets the Table Row Object ID.
 void TableInfoBase.setDefaultcanread(Capability cooked)
          Set the Defaultcanread.
 void TableInfoBase.setDefaultcanreadTroid(Integer raw)
          Sets the Table Row Object ID.
 void TableInfoBase.setDefaultcanwrite(Capability cooked)
          Set the Defaultcanwrite.
 void TableInfoBase.setDefaultcanwriteTroid(Integer raw)
          Sets the Table Row Object ID.
 void ValueInfoBase.setDescription(String cooked)
          Sets the Description value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setDescription(String cooked)
          Sets the Description value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setDisplaylevel(DisplayLevel cooked)
          Sets the Displaylevel value, with checking, for the Persistent argument.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setDisplaylevelIndex(Integer raw)
          Sets the Displaylevel index value, with checking, for this Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setDisplayname(String cooked)
          Sets the Displayname value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setDisplayname(String cooked)
          Sets the Displayname value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setDisplayorder(int cooked)
          Sets the Displayorder value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setDisplayorder(int cooked)
          Sets the Displayorder value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setDisplayorder(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Displayorder value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setDisplayorder(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Displayorder value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setDisplayorderpriority(int cooked)
          Sets the Displayorderpriority value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setDisplayorderpriority(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Displayorderpriority value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void GroupMembershipBase.setGroup(Group cooked)
          Set the Group.
 void GroupCapabilityBase.setGroup(Group cooked)
          Set the Group.
 void GroupMembershipBase.setGroupTroid(Integer raw)
          Sets the Table Row Object ID.
 void GroupCapabilityBase.setGroupTroid(Integer raw)
          Sets the Table Row Object ID.
 void ValueInfoBase.setHeight(int cooked)
          Sets the Height value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setHeight(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Height value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void CapabilityBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Capability Persistent.
 void UserBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this User Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void GroupBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Group Persistent.
 void SettingBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Setting Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void GroupMembershipBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this GroupMembership Persistent.
 void TableCategoryBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this TableCategory Persistent.
 void GroupCapabilityBase.setId(int cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this GroupCapability Persistent.
 void CapabilityBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Capability Persistent.
 void UserBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this User Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void GroupBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Group Persistent.
 void SettingBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this Setting Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void GroupMembershipBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this GroupMembership Persistent.
 void TableCategoryBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this TableCategory Persistent.
 void GroupCapabilityBase.setId(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Id value, with checking, for this GroupCapability Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setIndexed(boolean cooked)
          Sets the Indexed value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setIndexed(Boolean cooked)
          Sets the Indexed value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setIntegrityfix(StandardIntegrityFix cooked)
          Sets the Integrityfix value, with checking, for the Persistent argument.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setIntegrityfixIndex(Integer raw)
          Sets the Integrityfix index value, with checking, for this Persistent.
 void UserBase.setLogin(String cooked)
          Sets the Login value, with checking, for this User Persistent.
 void CapabilityBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this Capability Persistent.
 void UserBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this User Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void GroupBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this Group Persistent.
 void SettingBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this Setting Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void TableCategoryBase.setName(String cooked)
          Sets the Name value, with checking, for this TableCategory Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setNullable(boolean cooked)
          Sets the Nullable value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setNullable(Boolean cooked)
          Sets the Nullable value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void UserBase.setPassword(String cooked)
          Sets the Password value, with checking, for this User Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setPrecision(int cooked)
          Sets the Precision value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setPrecision(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Precision value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setRangelimit_string(String cooked)
          Sets the Rangelimit_string value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setRangelow_string(String cooked)
          Sets the Rangelow_string value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setRenderinfo(String cooked)
          Sets the Renderinfo value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setScale(int cooked)
          Sets the Scale value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setScale(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Scale value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setSearchability(Searchability cooked)
          Sets the Searchability value, with checking, for the Persistent argument.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setSearchabilityIndex(Integer raw)
          Sets the Searchability index value, with checking, for this Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setSeqcached(boolean cooked)
          Sets the Seqcached value, with checking, from a boolean, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void TableInfoBase.setSeqcached(Boolean cooked)
          Sets the Seqcached value, with checking, for this TableInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setSize(int cooked)
          Sets the Size value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setSize(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Size value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setSortdescending(boolean cooked)
          Sets the Sortdescending value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setSortdescending(Boolean cooked)
          Sets the Sortdescending value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setTableinfo(TableInfo cooked)
          Set the Tableinfo.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setTableinfoTroid(Integer raw)
          Sets the Table Row Object ID.
 void ValueInfoBase.setTypefactory(PoemTypeFactory cooked)
          Sets the PoemTypeFactory Typefactory value for this ValueInfo Column of the ValueInfo Table.
 void ValueInfoBase.setTypefactoryCode(Integer raw)
          Sets the Integer Typefactory value for this ValueInfo Column of the ValueInfo Table.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setUnique(boolean cooked)
          Sets the Unique value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setUnique(Boolean cooked)
          Sets the Unique value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void GroupMembershipBase.setUser(User cooked)
          Set the User.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setUsercreateable(boolean cooked)
          Sets the Usercreateable value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ColumnInfoBase.setUsercreateable(Boolean cooked)
          Sets the Usercreateable value, with checking, for this ColumnInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setUsereditable(boolean cooked)
          Sets the Usereditable value, with checking, from a boolean, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setUsereditable(Boolean cooked)
          Sets the Usereditable value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void GroupMembershipBase.setUserTroid(Integer raw)
          Sets the Table Row Object ID.
 void SettingBase.setValue(String cooked)
          Sets the Value value, with checking, for this Setting Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setWidth(int cooked)
          Sets the Width value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.
 void ValueInfoBase.setWidth(Integer cooked)
          Sets the Width value, with checking, for this ValueInfo Persistent.

Uses of AccessPoemException in org.melati.template

Methods in org.melati.template with parameters of type AccessPoemException
 String WMLAttributeMarkupLanguage.rendered(AccessPoemException e)
          AccessPoemException is handled differently in an Attribute than it is in the main body of a page.
 String XMLAttributeMarkupLanguage.rendered(AccessPoemException e)
          AccessPoemException is handled differently in an Attribute than it is in the main body of a page.
 String AttributeMarkupLanguage.rendered(AccessPoemException e)
          AccessPoemException is treated differently in an Atribute than in the main body of a page.
 String HTMLAttributeMarkupLanguage.rendered(AccessPoemException e)
          AccessPoemException is treated differently in an Atribute than in the main body of a page.

Uses of AccessPoemException in org.melati.test

Methods in org.melati.test that throw AccessPoemException
 String RestrictedAccessObject.getRestrictedAccessObject()
          Used in a test template.

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