/* * DSD for jdbc:hsqldb:/dist/melati/db/contacts (org.melati.example.contacts.ContactsDatabase) * * Generated for _guest_ * * WARNING * This export is not necessarily information preserving. * 1) if you have used a capitalisation regime other than first * letter capital then the case will not be preserved. * 2) Abstract tables are not preserved; the tables are 'de-normalised'. * 3) Importing another DSD, such as messageboards, is * not preserved, all tables are in a single package namespace. * * NOTE * This template can include all system and inherited tables but then * should NOT be used to replace an existing DSD. * (add all=true to URL) * */ package org.melati.example.contacts; // animal (from the data dictionary) // org.melati.poem.JdbcTable table animal (displayname = "Animal") (description = "Animal") (displayorder = 1) // (defaultcanread = null) // (defaultcanwrite = null) // (defaultcandelete = null) // (cancreate = null) // (cachelimit = null) (seqcached) (category = "Data") { //animal.id: troid (INT (org.melati.poem.TroidPoemType)) (from the data dictionary) Integer id (primary) (displayname = "Id") // (description = null) // usereditable // Not nullable (width = 20) (height = 1) // (renderinfo = null) (displayorder = 100) // usercreateable (displaylevel = summary) (searchability = yes) // (displayorderpriority = null) // Not sortdescending (indexed) (unique) ; //animal.nam: nullable String(33) (from the data dictionary) String nam (displayname = "Name") (description = "Name") // usereditable (nullable) (size = 33) (width = 23) (height = 2) // (renderinfo = null) // (rangelow_string = null) // (rangelimit_string = null) (displayorder = 1) // usercreateable (displaylevel = primary) (searchability = primary) // (displayorderpriority = null) (sortdescending) (indexed) (unique) ; } // Contact (from the data structure definition) // org.melati.example.contacts.ContactTable table Contact (displayname = "Contact") (description = "A Contact") (displayorder = 10) // (defaultcanread = null) // (defaultcanwrite = null) // (defaultcandelete = null) // (cancreate = null) (cachelimit = 100) // Not seqcached (category = "Data") { //Contact.id: troid (INT (org.melati.poem.TroidPoemType)) (from the data structure definition) Integer id (primary) (displayname = "Id") // (description = null) (uneditable) // Not nullable (width = 20) (height = 1) // (renderinfo = null) (displayorder = 0) (uncreateable) (displaylevel = record) (searchability = no) // (displayorderpriority = null) // Not sortdescending (indexed) (unique) ; //Contact.name: String(-1) (from the data structure definition) String name (displayname = "Name") (description = "Contact Name") // usereditable // Not nullable (size = unlimited) (width = 20) (height = 1) // (renderinfo = null) // (rangelow_string = null) // (rangelimit_string = null) (displayorder = 1) // usercreateable (displaylevel = primary) (searchability = primary) (displayorderpriority = 0) // Not sortdescending // Not indexed // Not unique ; //Contact.owner: reference to Contact (nullable INT (org.melati.poem.ReferencePoemType)) (from the data structure definition) Contact owner (displayname = "Owner") (description = "Contact who owns this contact") // usereditable (nullable) (width = 20) (height = 1) // (renderinfo = null) // (rangelow_string = null) // (rangelimit_string = null) (displayorder = 2) // usercreateable (displaylevel = summary) (searchability = yes) (displayorderpriority = 1) // Not sortdescending // Not indexed // Not unique (integrityfix = prevent) ; //Contact.address: String(-1) (from the data structure definition) String address (displayname = "Address") (description = "Contact Address") // usereditable // Not nullable (size = unlimited) (width = 40) (height = 5) // (renderinfo = null) // (rangelow_string = null) // (rangelimit_string = null) (displayorder = 3) // usercreateable (displaylevel = record) (searchability = no) // (displayorderpriority = null) // Not sortdescending // Not indexed // Not unique ; //Contact.updates: INT (org.melati.poem.IntegerPoemType) (from the data structure definition) Integer updates (displayname = "Updates") (description = "How many times has this record been updated?") (uneditable) // Not nullable (width = 5) (height = 1) // (renderinfo = null) // (rangelow_string = null) // (rangelimit_string = null) (displayorder = 4) (uncreateable) (displaylevel = record) (searchability = no) // (displayorderpriority = null) // Not sortdescending // Not indexed // Not unique ; //Contact.lastupdated: DATE (org.melati.poem.DatePoemType) (from the data structure definition) Date lastupdated (displayname = "Lastupdated") (description = "When was this last updated?") (uneditable) // Not nullable (width = 20) (height = 1) (renderinfo = "org.melati.poem.DatePoemType-dropdown") // (rangelow_string = null) // (rangelimit_string = null) (displayorder = 5) (uncreateable) (displaylevel = record) (searchability = no) // (displayorderpriority = null) // Not sortdescending // Not indexed // Not unique ; //Contact.lastupdateuser: reference to user (INT (org.melati.poem.ReferencePoemType)) (from the data structure definition) User lastupdateuser (displayname = "Lastupdateuser") (description = "Who last updated this?") (uneditable) // Not nullable (width = 20) (height = 1) // (renderinfo = null) // (rangelow_string = null) // (rangelimit_string = null) (displayorder = 6) (uncreateable) (displaylevel = record) (searchability = yes) // (displayorderpriority = null) // Not sortdescending // Not indexed // Not unique (integrityfix = prevent) ; } // ContactCategory (from the data structure definition) // org.melati.example.contacts.ContactCategoryTable table ContactCategory (displayname = "Contactcategory") (description = "Contacts Categories") (displayorder = 10) // (defaultcanread = null) // (defaultcanwrite = null) // (defaultcandelete = null) // (cancreate = null) (cachelimit = 100) // Not seqcached (category = "Data") { //ContactCategory.id: troid (INT (org.melati.poem.TroidPoemType)) (from the data structure definition) Integer id (primary) (displayname = "Id") // (description = null) (uneditable) // Not nullable (width = 20) (height = 1) // (renderinfo = null) (displayorder = 0) (uncreateable) (displaylevel = record) (searchability = no) // (displayorderpriority = null) // Not sortdescending (indexed) (unique) ; //ContactCategory.category: reference to Category (INT (org.melati.poem.ReferencePoemType)) (from the data structure definition) Category category (displayname = "Category") (description = "Category") // usereditable // Not nullable (width = 20) (height = 1) // (renderinfo = null) // (rangelow_string = null) // (rangelimit_string = null) (displayorder = 1) // usercreateable (displaylevel = primary) (searchability = primary) (displayorderpriority = 0) // Not sortdescending // Not indexed // Not unique (integrityfix = delete) ; //ContactCategory.contact: reference to Contact (INT (org.melati.poem.ReferencePoemType)) (from the data structure definition) Contact contact (displayname = "Contact") (description = "Contact") // usereditable // Not nullable (width = 20) (height = 1) // (renderinfo = null) // (rangelow_string = null) // (rangelimit_string = null) (displayorder = 2) // usercreateable (displaylevel = summary) (searchability = yes) (displayorderpriority = 1) // Not sortdescending // Not indexed // Not unique (integrityfix = delete) ; } // Category (from the data structure definition) // org.melati.example.contacts.CategoryTable table Category (displayname = "Category") (description = "A Category for Contacts") (displayorder = 100) // (defaultcanread = null) // (defaultcanwrite = null) // (defaultcandelete = null) // (cancreate = null) (cachelimit = 100) // Not seqcached (category = "Codes") { //Category.id: troid (INT (org.melati.poem.TroidPoemType)) (from the data structure definition) Integer id (primary) (displayname = "Id") // (description = null) (uneditable) // Not nullable (width = 20) (height = 1) // (renderinfo = null) (displayorder = 0) (uncreateable) (displaylevel = record) (searchability = no) // (displayorderpriority = null) // Not sortdescending (indexed) (unique) ; //Category.name: String(-1) (from the data structure definition) String name (displayname = "Name") (description = "Category Name") // usereditable // Not nullable (size = unlimited) (width = 20) (height = 1) // (renderinfo = null) // (rangelow_string = null) // (rangelimit_string = null) (displayorder = 1) // usercreateable (displaylevel = primary) (searchability = primary) (displayorderpriority = 0) // Not sortdescending // Not indexed // Not unique ; }